BT Crotchet Hook - Double Hook for dreadlocks

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Dreadlock your hair twice as fast with the game-changing Beauty Town Double Hook Dreadlock Crochet Needle. You can create knots in the hair twice as fast as the traditional dreadlock single hook with two hooks instead of one. Easily create dreadlocks and dreadlock extensions with a comfortable, easy-to-hold handle and soft-touch steel hooks that won’t damage fingers as you work. The slim .75 mm size helps with the precision and quality of the locs.
  • Use for Dreadlocks
  • Make Dreadlocks Faster & Easier
  • Double Hook Design
  • .75 mm Size
  • Wooden Handle
  • Soft Touch Steel Needle
  • Safe Tips
After backcombing a section of hair, use the Double or Triple Hooks to condense and bring the hair in to create the dreadlock. Do this by pushing the hook through the section of wadded backcombed hair, grabbing a few hairs, then pulling the hairs into the dread and tip the hook's handle upwards to release the hair. The hook can also be pushed into the middle and pushed back and forth rigorously (but gently to avoid breakage) to create knotting and locking up in the middle of the dread. After condensing the hair to form the dreadlock, a Single hook can be used to refine the dreadlock.